Saturday, February 4, 2012

Thank You!

So, it’s been a REALLY long time and I apologize for that. I had a good excuse. Working on my Masters required that I write an average of 2 to 4 papers a week and I just did not have the energy to write anything else after that. I was afraid that my brain might literally explode if I did! Most of you know that I finished my Masters coursework in December. So, after taking a month off, I have decided that my brain has recovered and I can finally write something again.

Before I can continue with my blog, I have several people I have to thank. There is no way that I could have completed my studies without the help and support of most of you.

First and foremost I need to thank my family for all of their support. There is no way that I could have done this without them. Steve, thanks for putting up with my rants, hectic schedule, insomnia, and frequent panic attacks. Thanks for giving me this opportunity by enabling me to become a “kept woman” (his words). Caitlin and Ashli, thank you for putting up with Mommy’s preoccupations and time constraints. I promise that all the time I couldn’t devote to you while I was studying will be re-paid tenfold. Completing this program will do nothing but benefit us as a family in the long run. Thanks for being my 3 rocks while I was doing it.

There are several people around me here in Abu Dhabi who have been very instrumental in helping me complete my studies. Rhonda, Robyn, Jill, and Jessica thank you for all the times I needed the girls picked up from school/activities, for taking them so I could have a few more minutes to work on my assignments, for inviting us to eat when I didn’t have time to cook and for your words of encouragement.

During my studies I had to do a conclusive practicum where I worked/taught Emerati nursing students within a local university. I would like to say thank you to Michael, my preceptor and mentor during this intensive immersion experience. I learned so much under your guidance. Thank you for taking me on as a student and for giving me insight into the world of higher education. I would also like to thank the students that I worked with. You are all beautiful, nurturing, intelligent women. Keep up all of your good work. Remember that you are truly pioneers and you have the power to shape the nursing profession within the UAE. Thank you for letting me participate in your journeys.

I also need to say something to my fellow students and most of my instructors (there were a few that I did not enjoy) within my Masters program. Although I never met any of you face to face, I gained so much from our relationships. I look forward to “meeting” some of you in the future. Good luck in your journeys as educators.

Finally, I need to thank my large group of international family and friends for all of your support (a special shout out goes to those of you who have or are going through the same kind of program). Your kind words on Face Book, within emails, through skype, and on the phone really made this possible.

So, thank you, shukran, gracias, dankie, merci, efharisto, danke, arigato, dank u, spasibo, danyawaad, tack, khawp khun makh, shukriya, and salamat!!!!!!!!!

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