Friday, July 17, 2009

Water, water everywhere????

So, I now have been living in a desert for one month today. I know…I can’t believe that it has been a month either. Time flies when you’re having fun! In the last month, I have made many observations of different things, but there’s one in particular that fascinates me.
I have not seen a drop of rain since we arrived (a great improvement in my opinion to the weather I was subjected to in Maryland before I left). True this is a city that is surrounded by water (it is an island) and I knew that before I came, but what I was not prepared for is all the water everywhere!
You cannot go more than a block without encountering some kind of water feature or water fountain. Also in order to grow any kind of vegetation there must be a sprinkler system in place (which seem to go off non-stop). The streets are lined with beautiful trees and vegetation that must be watered several times a day. I myself have not only a pool full of water, but a small water feature by my front door and a sprinkler system that goes off 3 times a day to water all the plants and grass in my yard. I didn’t even mention drinking/bathing water!
Abu Dhabi is a fairly large city (about 1.2 million). How the heck do they get so much water????? There must be some mack-Daddy desalination plant around here that I am not aware of!
I took some time to just drive around the city the other day to just observe and take pictures (I could do this in peace since the girls were in camp). I was awed by the water fountains and the beautiful parks and I can’t wait until it’s actually cool enough to enjoy them all. Until then, I’ll just jump in the water!

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