Before I start on this subject, I just want to make one announcement: This is a conveyance of facts only and it’s not in any way a complaint!!!!
So, now that I have that out of the way…..I thought I would tell you what the weather is like in Abu Dhabi. In a word….hot. Most of the days that I have been here it has been in the hundreds. The humidity is relatively high all the time as well. Who knew the dessert would be wet (the air that is)??
It’s amazing how quickly that I have become accustomed to the weather here. The other day I went outside in the morning (I like to go and sit by the pool early in the morning) and I thought, “Wow, it’s really nice out here”….it was 96.
The highest I have seen the thermometer go up to so far is 118 and I was duly impressed by that. I had never seen a thermometer go that high before. On the other hand, I haven’t seen a temperature below 90 yet.
Steve had been preparing me for months for the heat. For some background….Steve hates any temperature above 70. Within 5 minutes of him walking outside, he starts sweating profusely. It’s almost as if he’s trying to evaporate himself! After all his talk, I was expecting to be miserable out here. To a certain point it is no fun. The other day when I went about town to take pictures, I was soaking wet by the time I was done (2+ hours in 110 heat and 80% humidity) But, I can honestly say it is not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Although I have noticed I can sweat in areas that I have never sweated before (who knew that your upper lip had sweat glands).
Caitlin (taking after her Dad) does not enjoy being out in the heat. Her whole body turns bright red with more than 5 minutes of exposure. As she is the drama queen of the group, she feels like she has to complain non-stop about the heat and the fact that the car is too hot when we get back into it (as if we didn’t already know this information). Needless to say, we have not made any long trips to any outdoors venues yet. I don’t think that Steve and Caitlin would survive.
Luckily, we have the pool which we use constantly. We were worried initially that the water would be too hot, but oddly enough 90 degree water is oddly refreshing when it is 112!
It has not rained here since we got here almost 5 weeks ago. That is very strange for me. I have never lived somewhere where it does not rain (usually it’s the exact opposite). Steve and I got a little excited when we looked up the weather and there was a 10% chance of rain for a day last week. Prior to that there had been 0% on every forecast we had seen. Alas…no rain, but I did see a few clouds (another rarity here).
So, to sum it up…’s hot and always sunny. Not too bad in my book, although certain people in the same household would beg to differ. I hear that it is quite pleasant in the winter here (70s). I’ll probably freeze my butt off! Until then….maybe I’ll try frying an egg on my patio.
I didn’t hear one complaint in that post did you????
So, now that I have that out of the way…..I thought I would tell you what the weather is like in Abu Dhabi. In a word….hot. Most of the days that I have been here it has been in the hundreds. The humidity is relatively high all the time as well. Who knew the dessert would be wet (the air that is)??
It’s amazing how quickly that I have become accustomed to the weather here. The other day I went outside in the morning (I like to go and sit by the pool early in the morning) and I thought, “Wow, it’s really nice out here”….it was 96.
The highest I have seen the thermometer go up to so far is 118 and I was duly impressed by that. I had never seen a thermometer go that high before. On the other hand, I haven’t seen a temperature below 90 yet.
Steve had been preparing me for months for the heat. For some background….Steve hates any temperature above 70. Within 5 minutes of him walking outside, he starts sweating profusely. It’s almost as if he’s trying to evaporate himself! After all his talk, I was expecting to be miserable out here. To a certain point it is no fun. The other day when I went about town to take pictures, I was soaking wet by the time I was done (2+ hours in 110 heat and 80% humidity) But, I can honestly say it is not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Although I have noticed I can sweat in areas that I have never sweated before (who knew that your upper lip had sweat glands).
Caitlin (taking after her Dad) does not enjoy being out in the heat. Her whole body turns bright red with more than 5 minutes of exposure. As she is the drama queen of the group, she feels like she has to complain non-stop about the heat and the fact that the car is too hot when we get back into it (as if we didn’t already know this information). Needless to say, we have not made any long trips to any outdoors venues yet. I don’t think that Steve and Caitlin would survive.
Luckily, we have the pool which we use constantly. We were worried initially that the water would be too hot, but oddly enough 90 degree water is oddly refreshing when it is 112!
It has not rained here since we got here almost 5 weeks ago. That is very strange for me. I have never lived somewhere where it does not rain (usually it’s the exact opposite). Steve and I got a little excited when we looked up the weather and there was a 10% chance of rain for a day last week. Prior to that there had been 0% on every forecast we had seen. Alas…no rain, but I did see a few clouds (another rarity here).
So, to sum it up…’s hot and always sunny. Not too bad in my book, although certain people in the same household would beg to differ. I hear that it is quite pleasant in the winter here (70s). I’ll probably freeze my butt off! Until then….maybe I’ll try frying an egg on my patio.
I didn’t hear one complaint in that post did you????